The company was organized in 1974 and incorporated in 1975 as Area 12 Agency on Aging. It was designated by the governor as one of the sixteen area agencies on aging in the State of Indiana. As such, the agency has, as one of its primary purposes, the planning and coordination of services and resources for the aging. The agency received appropriations from the Older Americans Act through the State of Indiana to fund services for the aging in this area of the State. Funds were granted by the Council to other organizations to provide transportation and Information and Referral services.
In January the nutrition program began and was the first service to be provided directly by the agency. The program provided home delivered and congregate meals as well as nutrition education. In 1976 our name was changed to Area 12 Council on Aging.
A major service provider, Friendly Services Inc., disbanded. The Council on Aging became known as Area 12 Friendly Services. At this time, services added by the area agency were transportation, invalid coach (non-emergency ambulance), case management, homemaker, handyman, activity visitor, and recreation. These programs brought an important new source of funding, the Social Security Act. This Act provided Medicaid (for medical transportation), Medicare (for ambulance transportation), and Title XX Social Services funds.
The reauthorization of the Older Americans Act in 1981 brought new emphasis on legal aid and program development, and a new program, nursing home ombudsman. The agency began provision of these services in early 1982. Also in early 1982, the staff and board members came to the realization that the invalid coach service would be better provided by an agency organized to provide 24-hour service. The service was then transferred to the Dillsboro Manor.
The state legislature mandated the provision of the nursing home pre-admission screening program, which started in May 1983. The Council was one of the only agencies to successfully integrate this into the existing case management program.
Area 12 Council on Aging took the lead in developing a task force on Adult Protective Services. This served to bring together many social service and government agencies in a coordinated effort to deal with the problem of adult abuse. Council also began providing transportation for families of children involved with the Family Reunification Services of the Department of Public Welfare.
The Council developed a new activity visitor program called HEARTS (Helping Elderly Adults Retain Their Self-Sufficiency). The program was designed to provide one-to-one assistance with a variety of basic needs.
Council took the first step toward providing support for caregivers with the Respite Care program, which provided occasional relief from the daily routine of caring for a family member at home. The Council was also involved in the development of Alzheimer Support Groups.
The Gatekeeper program begun. This was a program where utility companies, post offices and other businesses trained employees to make referrals to the Council on Aging if they saw signs of possible problems their elderly clients were facing. Secondly, the first Senior Games were held.
The Council increased in the use of volunteers and other service organizations to supplement the programs offered, as well as increasing fund raising efforts to supplement the shrinking federal dollars.
The Adult Guardianship Pilot program begun. The intent of the program was to provide representation and advocacy for residents of the Madison State Hospital, identified as needing this service. This program was later expanded to include anyone in Area 12 in need of the service and became known as Sentry services.
Medicaid Waiver funding became available and many individuals at risk of institutionalization were maintained at home. Our Respite Care program was expanded to serve people on weekends and evenings and daily for temporary situations. We began using Case Aids to supplement the work of the Case Managers.
The CHOICE (Community Home Options to Institutional Care for the Elderly and Disabled) program began and greatly increased the amount of service we could provide to non-Medicaid individuals at risk of institutionalization. We developed a new slogan for under our logo – Special Services for Special People.”
A new meal site was opened in Osgood. Title-III F Older Americans Act funds were received for Wellness Programs. We began the Prime Time Health and Fitness Council and a Prime Time Quarterly newsletter.
A major change occurred. The Homemaker, Respite, and Attendant services were all contracted out to Home Health Agencies and were no longer delivered directly by the Council on Aging.
This year marked our 20th Anniversary. The name was changed to Area 12 Council on Aging and Community Services, Inc. to better reflect the expansion of our services to all age groups with a need that could be met through home and community based services.
We moved to a new office building and dedicated our conference room to Board Member Emeritus H.C. “Red” Benedict and our consultation room to Board Member Emeritus Dellas Ross. We also joined the Great Lakes Alliance – 10 area agencies on aging from 5 different states that formed a coalition to develop ways to increase revenue. Additionally we completed our first homeowner rehabilitation project.
The South East Indiana Transit bus started in Dearborn County. This bus operated a public transit route from Aurora, Lawrenceburg, and Greendale to the Greater Cincinnati Airport and Florence Mall where connections could be made to go to other destinations in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky.
A second bus was added to the Dearborn County Public Transit system (SEIT). We expanded the route to include several more areas of Aurora, Lawrenceburg and Greendale including the Dearborn County Hospital area.
We participated in 2 housing projects in the Aurora north side area – infill housing and homeowner rehabilitation.
After 20+ years, the transportation service was equipped with radio service enabling us to communicate with our drivers as needed. And we received seed money to start our Aging Resource Center. We Completed the North Dearborn Village 54 unit senior independent living facility in Logan, Indiana and rehabbed a school into a 25 unit senior independent living facility – Dublin Village in Dublin, Indiana. We established a separate corporation for housing, Area 12 Housing.
Developed new names for the two corporations – LifeTime Resources and LifeTime Housing Group – and the public transit program – Catch-A-Ride (CAR). We began the expansion of the Catch-A-Ride program to all five counties. We opened an all-volunteer SNAC at the Moores Hill Senior Center and we expanded the Bright SNAC to 5 days a week after moving it to the North Dearborn Village. We provided increased options for in-home services through the development of the Private Vendor Program and the Sliding Fee Program. Finally, we initiated the Service Coordinator positions allowing us to improve our intake process and develop community support to fill service gaps.
Catch-A-Ride won three statewide awards and we began offering a second option for the main entree at the SNAC’s. We also began the publication of LifeTime’s magazine. The housing corporation completed home owner rehab projects in Milan and Moores Hill.
The Sunman SNAC was reopened as a volunteer SNAC. Catch-A-Ride began a point deviation route in Batesville. We received 3 bequests and began the LifeTime Resources Legacy Society. Selected to become the 211 call center for our five counties. The caregiver program started, which included placing caregiver materials in 9 local libraries. The expansion of the Dillsboro Office was completed.
The housing corporation developed the Aurora YMCA, purchased Pleasant View Apartments in Hanover, and took over management of Homestead Apartments in West Baden. Funding was approved to renovate the Tyson School in Versailles in 36 senior apartments and to add 26 units to North Dearborn Village.
An increase in the use of volunteers occurred. Sentry Services began regularly using volunteers to make routine visits to our wards, over 30 volunteers participated in providing some type of in-home service, and we developed a corps of volunteer advocates who addressed legislative issues that affect our customers. Dearborn County Adult Center took over the operation of the Lawrenceburg SNAC. This was the first year for the Medicaid Diversion and Conversion Waivers, a new source of funding to assist nursing facility eligible customers to remain at home. It was also the year that LifeTime became involved with the Medicaid Select program.
The housing corporation sold Pleasant View of Hanover and terminated the agreement to manage Homestead Apartments in West Baden.
Marked the expansion of the Catch-A-Ride program into Decatur County and the beginning of the Catch-A-Ride Extra service. Information and Assistance/Referral Service went live as a 2-1-1 Call Center.
North Dearborn Village, Logan, Phase II, was constructed and fully leased. Tyson School Apartments, Versailles, were constructed and fully leased.
Our focus was on enhancing existing services, such as working with the community to provide holiday meals to homebound customers, and increasing the number of people served. To that end, we increased our local donations and established several new revenue streams. We also improved efficiency through better use of technology – Hi-Speed Internet, implemented remote networking and computerized transportation scheduling. LifeTime 2-1-1 became nationally accredited as a call center by the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems. In addition, LifeTime discontinued sponsorship of the Jefferson County RSVP program.
The housing corporations purchased a single family home in Dillsboro to be our first buy/rehab sale property. Three (3) elderly homeowners were assisted with home repairs (1 in Ohio County, 2 in Jefferson County).
Added Franklin County to our 2-1-1 service area. The Medicare part D drug assistance program began and we were involved in providing assistance to clients in making their plan selection. A private home in Dillsboro was approved as the first certified Adult Foster Care home in Area 12.
The housing corporation took ownership of Dillsboro Village Apartments, a HUD senior community.
This was the first year for the Senior Farmer’s Market Voucher program, which provided financial assistance to seniors to purchase produce at local Farmers’ Markets. The Nutrition Program initiated a breakfast meal option for clients receiving home delivered meals and began opening volunteer staffed meal sites in senior apartment communities.
Catch-A-Ride began service in Jennings County and received a grant from the Cincinnati Health Foundation to address the transportation needs of medically underserved individuals. Service Coordination was enhanced and renamed Options Counseling. Manderley Health Care was approved to provide Adult Day Services.
The housing corporation began an on-going home repair service for older adults and persons with disabilities. Completed the buy/rehab/sell home in Dillsboro.
This was the first year we provided funding to local organizations to provide Health and Wellness programs for older adults. YMCAs in Vevay and Aurora were the recipients of these grants. In addition to the breakfast meals that were added in 2007, we added a salad meal option to the Nutrition program.
The state of Indiana began to encourage the development of Adult Foster Care, Assisted Living and Adult Day Services. We partnered with the state in the effort, encouraging local businesses and individuals to develop these long term care options. Several were developed and our first Adult Day Care placement occurred. Additionally, we became a certified Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC).
The Tyson Auditorium, owned as a result of the development of the Tyson School Apartments, was sold to the town of Versailles. The housing corporation also sold the buy/sell/rehab home in Dillsboro that was completed last year.
We held our first two Aging in Place seminars. The first dealt with home modifications and adaptive aids and the second was on Elderlaw. Catch-A-Ride received its first New Freedom grant which allowed us to expand services to frail older adults and persons with disabilities. The housing corporation purchased a buy/rehab/sell home in Rising Sun.
2-1-1 Information and Assistance service for the general public was discontinued and picked up by the Greater Cincinnati United Way. This allowed us to focus our Information and Assistance service to the target population served by the Aging and Disability Resource Center. Our first employer based caregiver needs survey was completed. We began three evidenced based health and wellness programs – Enhance Fitness, Matter of Balance and Chronic Disease Self Management.
Expanded the nursing home preadmission screening program to include contact with each person that enters a nursing facility to assure those that can return to home know how to access the services they may need. We received a Community Living Program Grant which allowed us to work with another area agency on aging to develop best practices to improve access to long term care in Indiana. Despite funding cuts, we were able to maintain our no wait list policy for in-home services.
The housing corporation sold the home we purchased in Rising Sun. Completed an energy audit and engineering assessment of Tyson School Apartments as a first step toward further rehabbing the property.
The federal Community Living Program Grant to LifeTime Resources and Real Services (area 2 agency on aging) was completed. The purpose of the grant was:
To document LifeTime Resources Options Counseling approach that has prevented us from having waiting lists for in-home services; something unique in Indiana
To formalize and enhance the processes and test the effectiveness in a large urban setting (South Bend and surrounding counties)
To develop a plan to roll out this approach statewide
The testing was very successful. Statewide rollout plan is available.
We developed a new way for the public to conveniently access needed information and linkage to resources in the form of a new website: Senior Resources On Call – Help for Seniors and More!. To address medication management concerns, we began an evidence based medication assessment program, Home Med Assessments, which searches for possible undesirable drug interactions; this also was made available on our website. Finally, we implemented a Care Transition Pilot Program with King’s Daughter’s Health ( to address the issue of hospital readmissions.
The housing corporation modified and/or repaired 20 homes in the 5 Area 12 counties.
We received a Technical Assistance grant (no money involved, just technical assistance) from Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) to help us find ways to improve service within the confines of the public transit rules. All 16 Area Agencies on Aging came together to develop an LLC for the purpose of contracting with Medicaid managed care providers for services that cover the entire state.
A grant from Interact for Health (formerly the Cincinnati Health Foundation) was received and we partnered with Margaret Mary Health to develop a home and community care coordination service. We also began providing care management assistance under a contract with Anthem to serve a targeted group of Medicaid recipients. We received a grant from the Division of Aging to enhance the service provided in the ADRC.
The Rising Sun Senior Nutrition Center was moved to Hoosier Boy Apartments and the housing corporation completed modification and/or repair of 15 homes; received grant and began work on 8 homes.
The Division of Aging made major changes in the Nursing Home Preadmission Screening Program moving the responsibility for most eligibility screening to hospitals and nursing homes. We continue to complete screenings for those who request an in-home screenings or were denied by other entities. The Area Agencies on Aging were awarded the contract for the Money Follows the Person Medicaid Waiver program which assists individuals transferring from nursing homes to a community based location.
We opened a new Senior Nutrition Activity Center at Dillsboro Village Apartments.
All of Indiana’s 16 Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) came together under the umbrella, Indiana INconnect Alliance.
LTHG sold their ownership in Dublin Village Apartments to the other owner, a not for profit located in Dublin, Indiana. They also sold Tyson School Apartments. Received a VASIA (Volunteer Advocates for Seniors or Incapacitated Adults) grant for Dearborn County to support the Sentry Services program. Historic Hills became the new pass through agency for Catch-A-Ride funding.
Received VASIA grant for Jefferson County to support the Sentry Services program. Catch-A-Ride partnered with Margaret Mary Health (MMH) to develop a transportation service, Margaret Mary Health Rides that provides services to/from any of MMH’s 13 designated facilities. The goal is to improve access to healthcare for all MMH patients and to offer a free transportation option, via a “Fast Pass”, for patients who met the eligibility requirements for financial assistance.
Received a $500,000 Affordable Housing Program (AHP) grant through Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) for the renovation of North Dearborn Village (Logan I). Successfully launched Care Management for Social Services (CaMSS) and began the implementation of Vision Link, the platform utilized for Information & Assistance in the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC). Achieved accreditation through the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) for Case Management for Long Term Services and Supports. Transitioned Sentry Services from the VASIA grant back to the AGS grant. Closed the Milan Senior Nutrition Activity Center (SNAC) and opened a new SNAC at Milan to increase accessibility and attendance. Catch-A-Ride contracted with Southeastrans for traditional Medicaid transportation, received a grant from OKI to purchase an online scheduling feature (Web Rides), and transitioned two routes from Point Deviation routes to Demand Response in Madison to streamline operations and reduce costs. Sally Beckley, Executive Director of 45 years, announced her plan to retire. Erin Thomas, prior Catch-A-Ride Director and Assistant Executive Director, was promoted as her replacement.
Received Families First Coronavirus Response Act and CARES Act funding in response to the coronavirus pandemic; SNACs and Catch-A-Ride were negatively impacted, while Home and Community Care services increased. Designed and implemented the Kind Caller program to combat social isolation. Launched the Tailored Caregiver Assessment and Referral (TCARE) program; a care management program designed to support family members who are providing care to adults of any age with chronic or acute health conditions. Obtained our first AIRS accreditation for one of our Information Specialists. Catch-A-Ride became a Medicaid Waiver provider and secured its first Medicare contract with Access2Care as well as a contract with WellTrans. Received approval to clear our waitlist for Guardianship services. Transferred ownership of North Dearborn Village (Logan I and II) from LifeTime Housing Group to LifeTime Resources; Dearborn Village Apartments to follow. Completed office renovations, including new carpet, paint, and office cubicles. Improved technology, including a new server, upgraded MIP databases, Employee Web Services (electronic timesheets), Surface Pro laptops for all office staff, and large screen TVs which eliminated the need for projectors in the board/conference rooms.
Participated in COVID-19 Vaccine Education, Registration, and Transportation Coordination and prioritized high-risk referrals. Subscribed to hb/notify, a health information exchange offered by The Health Collaborative, which provides daily alerts regarding emergency admissions, hospitalizations, and discharges to/from facilities in and around our area for those that we serve, allowing us to act quickly in order to improve health outcomes. Contracted with Managed Health Services (MHS), through enlivIN, as an extension of the care management team, responsible for outreach to high-risk and hard to reach members. Played an active role in learning about and providing input on the State’s planned transition to Managed Long Term Services and Supports (mLTSS). Received, through enlivIN, a grant from Anthem to address social determinants of health. Partnered with the Boys and Girls Club in Madison to manage the Jefferson County SNAC site programs. Were awarded a $500,000 Affordable Housing Program (AHP) Grant for North Dearborn Village, Phase II. Transitioned to a new IT Support provider, Structured Communications Solutions.
Continued to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, including a “Give Back to Normal a Shot” media campaign. Kept abreast of and advocated for the role of AAAs within the State’s planned transition to managed long term services in supports (mLTSS). Received a 3-year reaccreditation from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) for Case Management. Received (through IAAAA) a unique Food as Medicine grant from Anthem for Connecting Older Hoosiers with Healthy Foods. Received a grant from Molina for a Community Paramedicine Pilot. Catch-A-Ride conducted a Transportation Needs Survey to assess the impact of COVID and inform future transportation service planning, received a 5310 grant from OKI for security and backup cameras for the vehicles, began the transition from 2-way radio to Push-to-Talk, and updated its logo, which now has a more modern feel and depicts movement. North Dearborn Village II received extensive upgrades, including a new roof, gutters, common room drywall repairs, outdoor lights, sidewalk concrete replacement, asphalt paving work, etc. Dissolved Logan Housing Corporation.
Participated in various work groups and readiness reviews and joined the board of the newly formed Community Care Hub of Indiana (CCHI) in preparation for the State’s transition to mLTSS (Indiana Pathways for Aging). Received a $196,000 Severe Mental Illness grant from the Division of Mental Health and Addiction to enhance the care and service coordination available to older adults with severe mental illness to help them thrive in their home and community as well as a $78,000 Public Health Workforce grant. Invested in Trualta, a caregiver support platform that provides skills-based training, support groups, and an online community to families managing care for loved ones at home. Joined the board of the newly formed Public Transportation Council of Indiana (PTCI) and participated in a Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) project called Improving Public Transportation in Rural Areas and Tribal Communities, led by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, focused on improving equity in transportation. Received a $600,000 Affordable Housing Grant for Dillsboro Village Apartments and began a transition to No Smoking at Dillsboro Village Apartments and North Dearborn Village.