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Sentry Services, our adult guardianship program, is designed to provide the least restrictive representation and services to incapacitated adults, both in the community and in institutions within Dearborn, Jefferson, Switzerland, Ripley, and Ohio counties. 

Full Guardianship

Full guardianship encompasses both Guardian of Person and Guardian of Estate and assumes absolute responsibility of the protected person’s total needs.  This generally includes authority to make decisions concerning the individual’s personal needs, health care, property, and finances.

Limited Guardianship

A guardian who does not have absolute responsibility holds a limited guardianship. This may include a limit in the duration of the guardianship or limitations in the level of authority, such as

Guardian of Person:

The guardian is responsible for making personal decisions regarding the individual’s personal and health care.

Guardian of Estate

The guardian is responsible for preservation and protection of the person’s property and finances.

Temporary Guardian

 A temporary guardian may be appointed when the situation is an emergency that requires immediate action.  A temporary guardianship appointment may not exceed 60 days.

Regular reporting to the court is required for all guardianship cases.


Representative Payee

A payee may be designated by the Social Security or the Veteran’s Administration, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, or the Railroad Retirement Board to receive checks, pay bills, and disburse funds for a person who is not capable of handling his or her own funds. Sentry Services will perform this service for its guardianship clients and may, on a limited basis, act as Representative Payee for others. Regular reporting to the appropriate agency is required.

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