LifeTime is one of over 600 national and 16 Indiana Area Agencies on Aging, a network addressing the needs of older adults, persons with disabilities, and their caregivers. We serve Dearborn, Ohio, Ripley, Switzerland, and Jefferson counties in Southeastern Indiana. LifeTime’s Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) is part of the INConnect Alliance, a statewide network that connects consumers with the support and resources they need, including:

Information & Assistance
LifeTime maintains a database of health and human resource programs, assists individuals in accessing public benefits, and makes referrals to programs within LifeTime and other human service agencies.
Community Resource Library
We also provide an on-site resource library that contains numerous books, videos, and pamphlets about a wealth of issues related to family caregiving and other subjects of interest to our target population. The library is open to the public and any of the resources are available to be checked out. Computers with Internet access are also available for individuals to use during regular library hours:
Monday through Friday
8:00am to 4:30pm.

Options Counseling
Our Options Counselors assist individuals and their caregivers in exploring various alternatives to long-term institutional care by offering information pertinent to each unique situation. If a more in-depth assessment of need is warranted, our experienced Options Counselors are available for in-home visits to discuss a wide range of possible options designed to foster the individual’s independence. Some of the topics we may be able to assist with include:
• Personal Care
• Respite care
• Assisted living options
• Homemaker services
• Home-delivered meals
• Home modification
• Medicaid or Medicare
• Transportation
• Social Opportunities
• Senior Nutrition Activity Centers
• And others as needed and as available.
Home Care Management
Our certified Home Care Managers partner with older adults, persons with disabilities, and their caregivers to identify their individualized needs and to access funding for in-home services, with the goal of delaying institutional placement. With an eye always toward safety and the quality of life, our Home Care Managers connect individuals, families, and caregivers to a network of resources that may be available to them.

Caregiver Services
LifeTime can connect caregivers to assistance including respite and other direct services.
Caregiver Support Group
Support groups provide a friendly, welcoming space for caregivers to connect, share experiences, and access helpful resources! Caregiver Support Groups will be hosted monthly at The Waters of Dillsboro on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 2:00-3:30. A topic will be chosen for each meeting, and we will follow a meeting agenda. Snacks and refreshments are provided.
We warmly invite all family caregivers to join us and be a part of our supportive community!
To view our flyer, click here.

Trualta is a free e-learning helper built for caregivers, providing 24/7 access to actionable, skills-based information to help you feel more confident in caring for your loved ones. Learn how to manage your own wellness and care for others at home with conditions such as Alzheimer’s & Dementia, diabetes, Parkinson’s, mental illness, heart and lung health issues, and many more. Lessons are as short as 2 minutes long; you can read them, listen to them like podcasts, watch videos, or print articles. They make it easy for you to fit in learning on a busy schedule!
To make a referral please call the ADRC at 812-432-6200 or 877-234-3641
Advocacy Services
Legal Assistance
The legal assistance program may provide individuals who are at least 60 year of age with help in dealing with certain legal issues. The goal of the program is to assist older adults with understanding and maintaining their rights, to assist older adults in exercising their rights, to help older adults benefit from available services, and to resolve disputes. The program also promotes the need for lifetime planning through the understanding and the use of advance directives.
Long Term Care Ombudsman
This program informs long term care facility residents of their rights under federal and state law, encourages residents to voice their complaints/concerns, and intervenes if the complaint/concern cannot be resolved.