Helpline Connection 877-234-3641

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Senior Nutrition Activity Centers (SNAC)

Food and Fun!  Our SNACs offer a hot meal, fellowship, entertainment, and activities to those  individuals 60 and over.  We also offer nutrition education, wellness information, and clinics including blood pressure and sugar checks, foot care and more.  

See our SAMPLE menu and activities schedule.  This is just a sample; each site will have different monthly options.

For a hot meal, donations based on income are expected and reservations are required.  Contact information for each site is available below.

Find A SNAC Near You

Click each location for addresses, phone numbers, contact names, and more information.

LocationDillsboro Village Apartments
10145 Alpha Drive Dillsboro, IN 47018
Meal Time

11:00 AM, Monday thru Friday


(812) 432-6242


Nancy Downey

Hours of Operation

9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Meals Prepared By

chef for hire

LocationNorth Dearborn Village Apartments,
25795 Unity Street, West Harrison, IN 47060
Meal Time

11:00 AM, Monday, Wednesday, Friday


(812) 656-8015


Patti Page

Hours of Operation

9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Meals Prepared By

chef for hire


Temporarily Closed

Lamplite Villa,
213 Maple St, Milan, IN

Meal Time

Temporarily Closed


(812) 432-5215


Temporarily Closed

Hours of Operation

Temporarily Closed

Meals Prepared By

Temporarily Closed

LocationBuckeye Village Apartments
830 S Buckeye Street, Osgood, IN
Meal Time

11:15 AM, Monday thru Friday


(812) 689-4234


 Karen Bayne

Hours of Operation

9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Meals Prepared By

chef for hire

LocationHoosier Boy Apartments,
211 S. Walnut Street, Rising Sun, IN
Meal Time

11:30 AM, Monday, Wednesday, Friday




Aimee Howlett-Ballard

Hours of Operation

9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Meals Prepared By

chef for hire

Location Vevay American Legion Post 185,
213 Ferry St, Vevay, IN 47043
Meal Time

11:30 AM, Monday, Wednesday, Friday


(812) 432-5215


Stephanie Hood

Hours of Operation

10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Meals Prepared By

Chef for Hire

LocationMadison Senior Center,
208 W. Main Street, Madison, IN 47250
Meal Time

11:45 AM, Tuesday, Thursday


(812) 265-4758


Brett Ricketts

Hours of Operation

9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Meals Prepared By

River Terrace Health Campus

Home Delivered Meals

If you or a loved one needs assistance getting or preparing meals, LifeTime may be able to connect you with helpful resources. Individuals who are either over 60 or have a disability may qualify to have frozen meals delivered straight to their homes. Meal selection is based on preference and dietary requirements. Please call 877-234-3641 for more information.

Healthy IDEAS

Healthy IDEAS (Identifying Depression, Empowering Activities for Seniors) is a 3-6 month program that takes place in an individual’s home.  It includes in person visits and telephone contacts.  There is a screening and assessment of depressive symptoms and education about depression and self-care for individuals and family caregivers as well as referrals and linkage to health and mental health professionals. 

This program is available to individuals 60 and over in all 5 counties. There is no charge, but donations are appreciated. For additional information, please call 812-432-6200 or 877-234-3641.


Walk With Ease

Walk With Ease is a program designed to reduce pain and discomfort of arthritis, increase balance and strength, build confidence in the ability to be physically active and improve overall health among older adults 60+. It is a one-hour program, offered three times a week for 6 weeks.  There is no charge, but donations are appreciated.  For additional information or if you have any questions, please contact LifeTime Resources at 812-432-6200 or 877-234-3641. 

Words from some participants: 

“I have really enjoyed this class and enjoyed being with the other participants.”  

“Our leader was extremely positive and kept encouraging us to not give up our goal.”

“I am glad someone showed me I can do what I’ve done.”

“I enjoyed this very much.”

“Walking with others keeps you going.  We help each other.”

“I had been very ill and was very weak.  It helped me a lot.”

A word from our employee: 

“It has been my thought for several years now that old/young is a state of mind.Most of my closest friends are 50 and over. They are my walking friends. They all started endurance walking in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and even 70’s as a way to stay fit and challenge themselves. They walk way faster than me, and I am 42. Some of them walk ultramarathons of up to 100 miles. What I am trying to get at is that these are the people I want to grow up to be like as I age.”

-Jennifer McClellan, Health & Wellness Administrative Assistant